Welcome to ICNA Relief Louisiana
Food Pantry
We offer a variety of services including: refugee services, women’s transitional housing, Muslim family services, disaster relief services, Back2School giveaways, hunger prevention, free health clinics, and case management.
Donate to support our food pantries today!

Hunger Prevention
Join our Facebook for more distribution times and other events.
Our office offers services as part of our Hunger Prevention Program.
To become a food pantry client, you must register to become a client by appointment.
Scheduled food deliveries are on the second Friday and fourth Friday of every month.
Once you become a client, you will be given a date for which to pick up your groceries every month. We are a partner agency of Second Harvest and USDA.
For emergency groceries, Ramadan Boxes, and Qurbani/Udhiya, please also contact the area manager.
Our office provides breakfast to the unhoused/homeless through our partnership with Lantern Light Ministries at the ReBuild Center every second Tuesday, Third Wednesday, and Last Friday of every month. If you would like more information about this service, please contact the area manager.
Mental Health Services
Our office offers mental health services as part of the Muslim Family Services program.
Our office offers free mental health services provided by a Muslimah who is a licensed, professional counselor. Please contact the area manager for more information.
Refugee Services
Our office offers services as part of our Refugee Services Program.
If you would like to become a client and are in need of clothing, shoes, furniture, or other supplies, you do not need to be a refugee to qualify, please email our area manager for an appointment.
We also take intakes and provide case management, by appointment.
Disaster Relief Services
Our office provides services as part of the Disaster Relief Services Program.
To inquire about these services, please contact our area manager.
Women's Transitional House
Our Transitional House for Women is located in Baton Rouge. If you would like to inquire about this program, please contact the area manager.
Contact Information
Jenny Yanez, MSW
1-866-354-0102, ext 2502
ICNA Relief Office and Food Pantry
4101 California Avenue, Suite 110
Kenner, LA 70065
Upcoming Events
Our office holds workshops, Back to School Giveaways, and Health Fairs. Please join the Louisiana Facebook group and follow our Instagram account to be updated on upcoming events.
We welcome volunteers and provide internships and community service hours to students and community members.
Check this out!
Mobile Health Clinic
Want to become a volunteer?
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: jyanez@icnarelief.org
Call Anytime: (866) 354-0102 ext.2502
Visit our office at: 4101 California Ave, Suite 110 Kenner, LA 70065