Welcome to ICNA Relief San Diego
Food Pantry
Check out our distribution days and times for food distribution below! In addition to this service, we also have Back2School Giveaways and offer financial assistance. For more information on our domestic violence shelter contact our Regional Director, Khalid Memon.
Donate to support our food pantries today!

Food Pantry & Health Screenings
Thursdays or By Appointment, 10AM – 2PM
ICNA Relief San Diego, CA
7313 Carroll Rd. Suite D
San Diego, CA 92121
Want to become a volunteer?
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: jamilah.granza@icnarelief.org
Call Anytime: (866) 354-0102 ext. 5109
Visit our office at: 7313 Carroll Rd. Suite D San Diego, CA 92121