Welcome to ICNA Relief Richmond


Food Pantry

ICNA Relief’s national Hunger Prevention program provides individuals and families with the fuel to survive and thrive. Following the ordinance of Allah to feed the needy, ICNA Relief’s development of key public food assistance services raises awareness of the hunger epidemic facing our nation as a whole.

Donate to support our food pantries today!

Mental Health Services

Povided every Thursday (by appointment) at ICNA Relief Resource Center 3009 Lafayette Ave
With Dr. Sultana Salam

Food Pantries

Wed and Fri
ICNA Relief Resource Center 3pm to 5pm is Pantry
3009 Lafayette Ave, Henrico, VA 23228

Please contact Ajmal Hamza for more information:

  • PH: 866 354 0102 ex 1627
  • Email: ajmal.hamza@icnarelief.org

    Mobile Distribution every Sunday
    3:45 pm to 4:45pm at
    Monroe Park, Downtown Richmond, VCU campus

      Health Services

      Moblie Clinic every 3rd Monday at Masjid ICR, 8481 Hungary Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060 4pm to 6pm

      Petersburg, VA 2219 East Washington, Petersburg, VA, 23803
      every 3rd Sat of the month 1:30pm-4pm


      Back 2 School Distributions and Winter Clothing and accessories distributions, seasonal remote distributions.

        Check this out!

        Mobile Health Clinic


        Want to become a volunteer?

        Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.


        Area Manager:
        Siddiq Harvey
        866 354 0102 ex 1613

        Food Pantry Coordinator:
        Ajmal Hamza
        866 354 0102 ex 1627