Welcome to ICNA Relief Arkansas
Food Pantry
All the seasonal programs round the year gets deployed in the following cities. Bentonville & Fayetteville AK and Noel, MO which is an hour’s drive from each other.
Donate to support our food pantries today!

Services offered
Ramadan Food Boxes
Back2School Distribution
Udhiya Meat Distribution
Health Fairs involving Mobile Clinics run by ICNA Relief.
Any questions related to relief related programs, please feel free to contact Br Zahid Hussain 1-866-354-0102 x 4006
Check this out!
Mobile Health Clinic
Want to become a volunteer?
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: zhussain@icnarelief.org
Call Anytime: (866)-354-0102 x 4006