Learn more below about the various programs of Back2School that help ensure success for our local students, parents, and educators!
We are working toward our mission of making schooling more accessible to students by providing support to the students themselves and their parents and educators. We offer various opportunities through different programs in Student Success, Parent Success, and Educator Success so that each student flourishes.
ICNA Relief is committed to ensuring that our youth have the tools they need to bring their educational aspirations to fruition. We are giving backpacks and supplies to students in underserved communities throughout the USA. The smell and touch of new backpacks and supplies ensures students have the passport to success. In addition, financial aid is available for families who are going through financial hardship. Let’s empower children in lower-income communities by providing them with basic educational needs.

Education is a potent tool for empowering students’ success and paving the way for bright futures. Many people point to the need for good teachers and increased funding to make this happen. However, budgets do not matter if it does not translate to pencils and paper that students can use. Furthermore, inventive teachers are powerless if their students do not have the supplies to work. If you want to help schools realize the classroom’s potential to help students grow, read this guide about how school supplies impact student learning.
Everyone benefits from stability. Though kids may not always admit it, having an organized backpack full of notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, and other supplies is reassuring. Arriving equipped for the school day also helps them feel confident in their ability to perform in the classroom. Rather than depending on the teacher or their peers for a pencil, students achieve independence with their own proper supplies. With your support in this program, students will apply their focus to learning.
When students are engaged, research shows they’re more likely to follow behavioral expectations, be kind to their peers, and succeed academically. Rather than hearing their teacher talk through fractions, students with proper supplies will follow along with their own pencil and paper and write out equations themselves. This allows for a hands-on experience that will inevitably lead to confidence in their work and shine through their behavior inside and outside the classroom.
Classrooms focused on developing creativity in students build long-term success for life in expression, problem-solving, innovation, and more effective learning. A teacher’s creative skills are not enough to sustain students’ success if they don’t have the right tools for implementation. For example, in art class, students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas with crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, and so forth. Without these supplies, students restrict their creativity, thus diminishing their learning and creative growth. When you support our back-to-school program, you help teachers introduce creative activities and help students practice and express their creativity in a nurturing environment.
There is nothing more distracting for a teacher than a student disrupting the classroom. Classroom disruptions waste valuable instruction time and lead to ongoing behavioral problems for students. When students have the right supplies, teachers can focus on teaching and students focus on learning. When students do not have their supplies, they cannot participate. More often than not, they will end up disrupting the flow of the classroom. For this reason, donating essential school supplies helps the overall classroom atmosphere and prevents disruptive behavioral issues.
Students often lose points on assignments or tests because they can’t find the materials they need. It’s frustrating for them and their teachers because even though school isn’t testing them on neatness, basic organizational skills are necessary to keep track of school supplies, notes, and assignments. Being organized is also a lifelong skill that can help students succeed in their future careers. Learning tools like notebooks and pencils are not helpful if students lose them. Having consistent organization tools helps students keep track of their things and makes it easy to refer to important resources.

One of the key areas of focus for ICNA Relief’s Back2School is supporting parents and families to ensure their success in raising healthy, happy, and thriving children. These live sessions aim to help parents build strong and healthy relationships with their children, develop effective communication skills, and learn strategies for managing stress and building resilience.
The classroom, an educator’s essential tool, is always in need of more supplies. From the physical planners to the digital software, we want all elementary student educators to worry just a little less. Last year, for the first time, we launched our $2,000 EMPOWER Grant.

Our vision is to create an environment where parents have the means to enroll their children in full-time Islamic seminary educational institutes without having to face financial burden. We believe that every child deserves access to quality education, and we aim to provide that support to students who need it the most.