Transitional Housing

ICNA Relief offers an alternative for homeless women in need of temporary sleeping accommodations. ICNA Relief maintains the dignity of their clients while affording them the opportunity to heal and develop themselves within a nurturing environment. Women are provided with one-on-one support while they transition to permanent stable housing.

Saving Lives & Helping Families Since 2009

These numbers represent the number of people in Transitional Housing served in the United States in 2022. This data is accurate as of May 16th 2023.


Value of services


Adult women Total served via housing


Men served Via men’s Reentry Program


Total Children Clients Served


Total Case Management Hours


Total Bed Capacity across 20 States


Number of Nights Served


People Assisted with Job Search

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age 18 to 68 (no male children over 10 years old allowed at our family facilities).
  • Little to no income
  • Presently homeless
  • Must have legal valid immigration status and/or U.S. citizenship
  • Must be willing and able to gain self-sufficiency within a 6 month time period.

Ineligible Criteria

  • Individuals with severe mental health concerns
  • Individuals requiring convalescent / nursing care
  • Actively abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Victims fleeing violent relationships with the exception of our DV Shelters (locations are private for security purposes).

How We Got Started

ICNA Relief operates one of the largest networks of Transitional Homes in the country. Our facilities were born out of necessity, providing temporary living accommodations for homeless women and their children since 2008. With the rise in homelessness and the lack of affordable housing, we have expanded across the country to ensure we are able to provide a safe alternative for those who find themselves homeless. ICNA Relief provides culturally sensitive case management in a halal environment which fosters healing and growth while our clients work towards self-sufficiency.

Where We Are Now

ICNA Relief has adapted and expanded our program to include facilities specifically for survivors of Domestic Violence and our newest program Men’s Reentry Program for men coming home from prison. ICNA Relief provides a home and a second chance for those in need.

With 24 facilities in total, ICNA Relief is vastly becoming the leader in the industry and is saving hundreds of lives on a yearly basis. With over 3,000 individuals served since inception, ICNA Relief’s housing programs are changing lives.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.


Call Anytime: 866-354-0102